‘All About The Brows’

"All About The Brows" Permanent Makeup Course

Four full days learning all there is to know about brows! Includes starter kit and machine!

Pre study - information sent out via email

Day One & Two - Theory health/hygiene, licensing and council information, insurance, colour theory/colour wheel, riddor, BBP, council guidelines, Fitzpatrick skin scale, skin types and conditions, anatomy and physiology, consultation, patch testing, marketing and social media. Needle theory and needle movements on practice skin. Setting up machine and introduction of workings.

Day Three - Ombre and Powder Brow theory and practical. Setting up work station/trolley, health and hygiene and working on practice skin, pig skin and observing a full treatment carried out by Emma. Drawing on of shape demonstrated and practised on practice skin and models. Video and photos are always recommended to enforce learning experience. 1-2 extra models in afternoon for you to work on alongside Emma’s close guidance and supervision. Needle theory and results each provide. Aftercare advice -theory and practical. Photographic and video skills explained and showcased to enhance the results shown on social media.

Day Four – Hair stroke/3D brows ….learn the most sought after and extremely natural hair stoke method to give the same results as microblading, with the aid of your machine. Pros and cons of blading vs machine. Plotting out hair stroke patterns…. Reinforcing pre study work. Practice skin and observation of treatment in full, as well as working on a model under close supervision. Angles of needles for different results.

Starter Kit Includes

"All about the brows" course


To pay a non-refundable deposit of £500 and reserve a space on the above course. Once the monies have been received, you will receive your welcome pack via email.