What is Permanent Make Up?
PMU is a trade, a skill, an art, a science.
The first question a lot of people ask is: ‘What is the difference between semi permanent make up and permanent make up?’ Well, quite simply, they are the same. The pigment used will stay in the skin indefinitely, however, could appear to disappear or fade, hence why top ups every 18-24 months is advised.
This is similar to topping up your hair colour as it fades, just to allow a colour boost to ensure freshness and clarity. However, some clients choose not to have top ups until 8-10 years! This really depends on lifestyle and how much UV exposure the permanent make up has been exposed to. An SPF of 50 is always recommended.
Permanent make up can date back well into the 1930’s whereby they injected vegetable dyes, and stated it was a ‘complexion treatment’ Over the years, permanent make up has become more and more popular in the rise of the celebrity culture we live in, and also the television programmes we watch. The pressure to look good all the time, but natural too, has prompted even more demand for the procedures. Permanent make up is considered similar to, if not the same, as conventional tattooing. In conventional tattooing, the needle deposits indelible black India ink into the first 3mms of skin. Permanent make up involves a tiny needle depositing hypoallergenic pigment containing safe iron oxides, at just under 1mm of the skin. Iron oxide has a very small particle size and they are inert which means they don’t react metabolically. Permanent make up is medically proven and a revolutionary method of applying pigment into the dermal layers of the skin.
Permanent make up is a way of looking your best no matter where you are and what situation you find yourself in! No more bad make up days!
Permanent make up is also called a number of other names, including:
- Micro pigmentation
- Semi permanent make up
- Dermapigmentation
- Dermal Graphics
- Intradermal pigmentation
- Cosmetic tattooing
- Permanent cosmetic make up
- Make up tattooing
What is PMU for? Is it for me? What are the advantages?
- 1. PMU is good for anyone who wants to look good in every situation!
- 2. Gym goers! Active lifestyles…… Wouldn’t it be great if no matter how hot you got, your make up never ever smudged? Stress free mirror checking! No more panda eyes!
- 3. Restricted/ Poor eyesight – this is always a common reason why people decide to have their make up applied permanently. Have the confidence your eyeliner is applied perfectly straight, and your eyebrows are beautifully natural and not a harsh pencil line
- 4. Physical limitations – limited dexterity, Parkinson’s, arthritis, paralysis,….Take the struggle and stress out of applying your make up every day! Anxiety with the decline in the ability to apply make up will be diminished, as well as having no more need to remove make up!
- 5. Time Sensitive – did you know that you could save 2 years of your life with permanent make up? No more putting on-wiping off with a perfect permanent lip/brow/eyeliner. No more lunchtime re-applications!
- 6. Allergies – constricted to which brands you can use with make up? Worry no more with permanent make up. Hypoallergenic and no need for avoiding certain make up ingredients. Saves replacement make up costs!
- 7. Fresh make up from noon til night…..look good all the time!
- 8. Wake up with make up! Make him think you look that good ALL the time!!
- 9. Alopecia & Vitiligo sufferers – by using a natural hair simulation in the eyebrows, this gives the appearance of real life hairs, and providing shape and definition on areas which may have been lost.
- 10. Those in the public eye
- 11. Symmetry
The Process
After a full & thorough consultation 24 hours or more before the day of your procedure, Emma will double check your medical history to ensure no changes have occurred since. The patch test consists of two tiny scratches on the forearm, with numbing cream applied to one, and pigment to the other.
Questions you may have are always answered fully and the procedure is explained in full again to ensure expectations are met. Emma will then discuss shapes and your preferences before drawing on a template with a make up pencil to demonstrate the shape you both agree upon. Once the shape is agreed, numbing cream is applied for 20 minutes, and colours are shown and chosen for that procedure.
Once the numbing cream has taken effect, Emma will ensure you are relaxed and comfortable on the couch before proceeding with treatment. The procedure takes from 1.5-2 hrs depending on result desired. Sufficient time is always booked for you at every stage of your permanent make up journey. Several times during the procedure, numbing cream is applied to guarantee comfort throughout.
At the end of your procedure, vitamin a&d cream is applied to the area and aftercare advice is given both verbally and written, as well as a homecare pack for you to look after your new look.
A top up treatment is then booked for 6-12 weeks afterwards to ensure trueness and depth of colour and shape, so Emma can perfect and define the procedure further. After the first treatment, the pigment can fade 50-70%, however, after the second treatment, the pigment fades by only 30%.